Summer School: Sites, Objects and Practices of Hope
23 augustus 2021 om 00:00
Door: Netwerk Religieus Erfgoed
23-27 augustus 2021
Diverse locaties
Kosten: 300 euro
How can religious sites, objects and practices give hope for the future? In this Summer School, students will dive into the world of religious heritage, focusing on past, present and future. They will meet with experts from museums, universities, faith communities and religious heritage professionals and learn about the role of heritage in musealisation, multifunctional use of religious buildings and the life of religious communities. While secularization seems to push religious objects and buildings into the realm of the past, handing them over to museums and secular heritage organizations, we want to ask how this new heritage can play a role in the future. In short, we want to explore the question together: what hope lies in the religious past?
De Summer School staat open voor studenten en jonge professionals van erfgoedorganisaties.